Friday, August 3, 2007

WEEK ONE: The Monster's Loose ...

It's now been a week and several hours since my last cigarette. I'm not craving cigarettes ... at all. I just don't want to smoke. My throat's not hurting and, physically, I seem perfectly fine.

The one thing I've noticed (and I can't help but to notice) is that I'm ready to bite everyone's heads off at a moment's notice. My patience is microbially thin. This does bother me because I'm not like that. If people do bother/upset me, I really don't say much about it and continue to go about my life. Now, that's not to say that I don't stand up for myself, but I weigh the cost of having the argument vs. the amount of energy wasted and I usually just don't bother.

Right now, it's like I'm looking for a fight. Things I've heard in the last few days: "Are you mad at me?", "Are we okay?", "Are you feeling okay?" ... that sort of thing. It's so strange because I am aware that I am being, well, a dick to these people, but I can't stop myself.

I'm not wholly convinced that it's all the cigarettes' fault, though. Lately, I've been very frustrated at work and that feeling continues. The frustrations started well before I stopped smoking, but I do feel that the lack of cigarettes is not helping matters much. In the long run, yes. But right now, not so much.

That's okay though. I feel deep down that I'm kicking this habit once and for all. I'm very happy about that. I just hope that people will forgive me later for being such an asshole now.


maggie said...

Glad to hear that you have made it to the full week mark and are not even wanting to smoke - wow!

It gets irritating in the process of a smoker becoming a non-smoker, and so irritability can happen. I think degrees vary with individuals, but for most this really is just a stressful time, even if it's all about doing a good thing. I have no good advice other than to maybe warn the ones you are most concerned about hurting and then do the best you can from there to play nice, even if you can't do it perfectly.

Awesome week milestone. Keep going!

exsmoker mom said...

Ok, Fat Guy...

Want to know my opinion? No? Well, I'm giving it anyway!

My doctor wrote me a script for Lorazepam .5 MG at the same time as Chantix. It's an anti-anxiety pill to help "take the edge off". I actually cut them in half and it seems to do the trick.

I'm normally a pretty high stress person anyway, so quitting smoking would be enough to put me over the edge.

A guy cut me off on my way to work the other day. The normal me would have flipped him off and called him a few choice words. The 1/2 pill me started cracking up and blew him a kiss!

Think about it. It wouldn't hurt to call your doctor and ask his opinion.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Once everybody knows that you're quitting (the important people, at least), my advice is to not worry too much about it. One thing that seems almost universal amongst quitters is that period of being an asshole to everybody (stole your phrase there).

Quitting's tough work, and you should spend these early weeks focusing on nailing it down. You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

I'm just saying hi and begging for an update ;)

Anonymous said...

Long time no post, so I'm just saying hi.